Analyze Now!

Retirement Planning For A More Prosperous Future

Retirement computer programs-free, Retirement planning programs-free, Retirement Planner-free,

      Social Security Planner-free, Budgeting Planner-free,  Roth IRAs, , annuities, and more.



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The following message was requested by Mr. Hebeler to be added to the web page upon his death:


Mr. Hebeler, author of this website, died on August 21, 2017.  Consequently the “Personal Help” tab has been removed from the web page.   He has expressed his wish that while the site is still up readers advise their friends, associates and relatives to see if the articles and free programs may be useful to them.  Over the many years the site has existed, it has helped millions of people with their retirement planning as have the hundreds of articles he has written for The Wall Street Journal and other publications, many of which are on the site.  He appreciated the numerous thank you notes for the site's materials--his only compensation since neither he nor any of his helpers benefit financially from the effort.  He is very grateful for all of the assistance Larry Griffone provided not just as a volunteer web master, but also as a helpful critic.  May your own planning diligence lead to a successful and prosperous retirement.

Going forward AnalyzeNow will be maintained by NewRetirement where Bud was an advisor and contributor.

NewRetirement offers two powerful tools a quick retirement calculator and the best retirement planning tool available on the internet. The information you enter reflects you, your current situation, your goals for retirement. It shows you the many different ways you can achieve those goals.


Click on items of interest in left frame



The mission of Analyze Now is to disseminate inexpensive retirement planning tools to educate the user about the realities of retirement planning.


Analyze Now does not sell or promote any securities.  It has articles by Mr. Hebeler, many of which were published by The Wall Street Journal.  It also has some of the best and most comprehensive retirement planning programs available.  They are now all free. 


See the numerous Helpful Articles about various aspects of retirement planning and crucial retirement decisions.  Or see answers to questions people Ask Bud About most often.


Try our Computer Programs if you have Excel on your computer.  These are not dumbed-down programs designed to sell products. They address key current issues, particularly those on social security and the decision whether to take a lump-sum or a pension or buy an annuity.


Thinking about how much you should save for retirement, or if retired, how much you can spend this year?  Download our Pre and Post Retirement Planner computer program that does not have the many misleading elements of overly simplified planners you find on most Web sites.



 Simple Financial Tools Promise Better Retirement